Investigate… Portable Science

Not everyone can visit a science centre so Investigate… Portable Science was created to take the science centre experience on the road. Exhibit sets can be formed from a pool of 24 different interactive exhibits themed around forces, energy and structures. Each set packs easily into a family car and and can be set up and running in minutes. Launch a ball using the power of hydrogen or look at the stresses in everyday objects; Examine the tiniest objects to the most massive; Work out how much energy you need to get through your day. Designed to be robust and portable yet still easy to use and engaging. I designed this set of interactives while working for At-Bristol. The creation of detailed engineering drawings and CAD models coupled with CNC manufacture allows for simple reproduction of each design. Dozens of copies have now been produced and can be found in science centres and schools around the world

Musiquest – Interactive music exhibition

Built by Techniquest’s in-house production team on which I was lead designer for the majority of the project. Designed to be visually stunning with high quality acoustics to match. Find out about sounds and music in this interactive exhibition. Listen to music from all around the world or make your own. See the harmonic patterns that music can make or watch the oscillations of a drum frozen in time.




Techniquest Hands-on Science Centre

Techniquest is one of the UK’s leading science centres. They design and build a wide range of exhibits for their own exhibition space or for exporting around the world. I managed the design team for a couple of years while we refined and enhanced the range of exhibits available. By using CAD and CNC to manufacture exhibits could quickly be designed and produced with high precicion, neat finishes and minimum fuss.